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Modern Office

Candidates for IT Roles

Looking for an IT job with a good Western company in the U.S. or elsewhere – remotely or on-site?

Street 72 is an IT recruitment consultancy in New York City.
We work with some of the best U.S. and European companies.

We are always on the lookout for talented individuals. No matter where you are or want to be, we can help you find the perfect job.


Our service is FREE for all candidates.


All you need to do is fill in our very quick CANDIDATE FORM below (it only takes a minute).

Candidate Application Form

Less than 1 minute to fill the mandatory section
(and 2 more for the optional/recommended one).

Section 1

About you?

The TOP ROLE you want to do?

(role name and your experience/skills for it)

We could match you to a role by the EXACT role name you provide below.

Please provide a role name which:

(1) is popular and GENERIC ENOUGH  (e.g. "Senior Java Developer" or ".NET Tech Lead")
(2) you think you can do WELL

(3) you WANT to do


Senior Java Developer, .NET Tech Lead, Senior Data Scientist, Mid-level ML Engineer,
Junior AI Engineer, Senior Automated QA Engineer, etc.

What is the TOP ROLE you want to do?

Would you consider offering a free trial of your work (and increase your chances of getting hired)?


(1) To increase your chances of getting hired
(also for a client to taste your skills/personality and for you to taste the client/work), and
(2) Only if you explicitly agree

We could offer you to a company on a "Free Trial" terms.

If you agree:
(1) You are to negotiate with the client the terms and length (usually 2 weeks).
(2) You OR the client can withdraw at any time without any obligations.
(3) The client is to decide if they will pay you for the free trial period, regardless of if they choose to keep or release you.

Section 2

(optional but RECOMMENDED)

Additional 2 minutes to fill in.
We highly recommend you fill it in, as the more info on your skills you provide, the better we can match you to a good role.

But you could choose to skip this whole section and go to "Submit" in the bottom.
Or go on to fill in as many of your skills as you can in Section 2 below:


OTHER roles you can do well?

(up to 4 role titles and your level)

Again, we could match you to roles by the EXACT role titles you provide below.

Please provide role names which:

(1) are popular and GENERIC ENOUGH  (e.g. "Senior Java Developer" or ".NET Tech Lead")
(2) you think you can do WELL
(3) you WANT to do



Senior Java Developer, .NET Tech Lead, Senior Data Scientist, Mid-level ML Engineer,
Junior AI Engineer, Senior Automated QA Engineer, etc.

#2 ROLE you can/want to do (optional)
#3 ROLE you can/want to do (optional)
#4 ROLE you can/want to do (optional)
#5 ROLE you can/want to do (optional)



(OPTIONAL but very useful for matching you to a role)

Which of these technologies you know at an ABOVE AVERAGE level?



(1) Select
You know WELL:
(2) In your own words?
(3) Any comments?



(1) Select
You know WELL:
(2) In your own words?
(3) Any comments?



(1) Select
You know WELL:
(2) In your own words?
(3) Any comments?



(Data, Mobile, QA, DevOps, Cloud, etc.)

(1) In your own words?
(2) Any comments?

Application received.
Thanks. We will contact you on available roles soon.

Anchor 1

  Contact Street 72  

Message received.
Thanks. We will get in touch with you soon.

72nd Street, New York City, NY 10023

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